Announcement regarding the listing of new shares
because of the Company’s stock reverse split
“KIRIACOULIS MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES SHIPPING S.A.” announces to the investors that The Ordinary General Assembly of the company’s shareholders held on 30 June 2010 decided, among other issues of the agenda, the increase of the nominal value of each share from 0.30 euro to 0.60 euro and at the same time the reduction of the total number of the company’s outstanding shares from 15,190,320 to 7,595,160 common registered shares (reverse split), at a ratio of 1 new share in replacement of 2 existing shares.
Following this, the company’s share capital still amounts to 4,557,096 euro divided into 7,595,160 common registered shares of nominal value 0.60 euro each.
On 10/08/2010 the decision No.K2-7014 of the Minister of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping, which approved the relevant amendment of the article 5 of the Company’s Articles of Association, was registered in the Societes Anonyme Registry.
The Athens Exchange Board of Directors, at its meeting held on 12/08/2010, approved the floating at the Exchange of the above 7,595,160 new shares of a nominal value 0.60 euro each in replacement of the existing 15,190,320 common registered shares.
17/08/2010 is set as the last trading day of the existing 15,190,320 company’s common registered shares at the Athens Exchange. As of the following trading day 18/08/2010, the trading of the company’s shares will stop temporarily so as the replacement process be completed in accordance with the aforementioned stipulations. The beneficiaries of the above corporate action are the shareholders who will be registered in the Dematerialized Securities System (D.S.S.) archives as regards the aforementioned listed company as at 20/08/2010.
25/08/2010 will be the first floating date of the 7,595,160 new shares with the new nominal value 0.60 euro per share at the Athens Exchange. As of that date, the new total outstanding company’s number of shares listed on the ATHEX will amount to 7,595,160 common registered shares, the initial share price at the ATHEX will be determined according to the Athens Exchange Rulebook, as well as the Athens Exchange BoD decision No 26 as in effect, and the new shares will be credited to the Shareholders’ Share account and Securities account in the Dematerialized Securities System (D.S.S.).
For further information shareholders may address to the company’s Investor Relations Department (tel. 210 9886187).
Alimos, 13 August 2010