The company by the name “KIRIACOULIS MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES SHIPPING SA.” announces that the Board of Directors of the company at its meeting of July 16th 2021, decided the establishment of a common Remuneration and Nominations Committee as provided by articles 10, 11 and 12 of Law 4706/2020, consisting of three (3) non-executive members of the Board, of which two independent non-executive members of the BoD, as defined by the provisions of article 9 of Law 4706/2020, and specifically from Ms. Zoi Vasiliou, an independent non-executive member of the BoD, Ms. Chariklia Theodorou, non-executive member of the BoD. and Ms. Kalliopi Magoula, an independent non-executive member of the BoD.
The newly established Remuneration & Nominations Committee formed into a body as follows:
- Zoi Vasiliou of Dimitrios, independent non-executive member of the BoD, Chairman of the Remuneration & Nominations Committee,
- Chariklia Theodorou of Dimitrios, non-executive member of the BoD, Member of the Remuneration & Nominations Committee,
- Kalliopi Magoula of Stefanos, independent non-executive member of the BoD, Member of the Remuneration & Nominations Committee.
The term of the Remuneration & Nominations Committee will be equal to the term of the current Board of Directors of the company, which has been set as four years from the date of election of the BoD on 29.07.2019, extended until the date of the Ordinary General Meeting that will be convened within the year 2023.
Alimos, July 16th 2021